LED Synergy is your professional wholesale supplier of quality high-performance LED lighting solutions to corporate customers and businesses.
We offer you some of the best quality and eco-friendly superb LED lightening. You also make sure to save money because of our factory-direct supply chains.
You will find everything you need for LED lighting of houses, offices, commercial facilities, as well as advertising media.
Our specialists have 6 years experience in LED lighting projects of any complexity - from the small highlight in the kitchen to the office centres equipment.
What we do for you:
- Competently advise: to help choose the right equipment, packaging, to show how it will look in result.
- Offer most of the products directly from the manufacturer. We will help you to get best prices for products of other importers.
- Free of charge delivery by NovaPoshta or any other convenient carrier
We have customer loyalty program, which will increase the profitability of your business.
Working with us is easy!
good advice | great service | quality products